Research projects

Even in our infant years, we were always involved in public research projects and joint-ventured insulation material research projects with other manufacturers.

To start with, there was a lot of communication between manufactureres which was imperative since we already had an extensive contact amongst end-users. After a few years, blowing insulation found its way to research institutions and universities. So X-Floc got involved with a lot of research projects, some of which were with public support and this significantly advanced blowing insulation.

Today, we deal with manufacturers of insulation material communication ourselves. Our aim is to develop insulation blowing machines, blowing injection equipment and checking devices for every loose insulation material and for that, we provide a blowing insulation laboratory and our machine technology. We are one of Europe's leading independent machine manufacturers and would like to be a competent contact partner for dealing with all of your questions. Just ask us…

Typical insulation blowing materials
Typical insulation blowing materials

Research Projects Over the Past Years


Logo Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie BMWiLogo Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand ZIM

As part of this project, the project partners would like to develop a fully automated filling system for blowable insulation material (Dichtomat Automated Filling System) with which sure setting via a reproducible, consistent density distribution can always be guaranteed. In order to be able to prove this, a measuring method should be developed by which longlasting sure setting can be checked. With the help of the Dichtomat, which should facilitate an even injection and with that a consistent concentration within the cavity through the controlled rotary nozzle,the dependency on the worker's experience is minimised and for that reason, the quality of the insulation is permanently increased. With this, the insulation materials can play an important role in increasing the energy efficiency for buildings and for that reason contribute to the implementation of the federal government's energy system.


Schedule: The project Begins on 01.10.2011 and ends on 30.09.2013.


Logo EFRE EU-ProgrammPosidonia Insulation Material

The aim of the project is to develop manufacturing processes with insulation materials made from natural substances as a matter of importance for construction and automobile areas. Based on a process-orientated approach for the fibre processing, the project should be constructed around the naturally occurring ball-shaped posidonia fiber agglomerates for a process chain for producing mesh formations, blow-in competent or 3D shaped technical insulation products for the application in construction and in the KFZ area and with very good technical properties, the insulation material should be manufactured with an excellent environmental Profile. 

Schedule: The project began in November 2009. The project is expected to run until May 2011.

Since the start of 2010, we have been working with a consortium from NeptuTherm e.K. (Karlsruhe), X-Floc GmbH and the Fraunhofer ICT on processes for producing high-grade technical insulation material products from the Posidonia Oceanica plant's sea grass fibres. 

The consortium's final presentation takes place on 12.09.2011 from 15:00 – 17:30 in Pfinztal, Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology.

If you are interested in participating, please contact us directly.

Comparative Thermal Conductivity Measuring Device

Logo Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen StuttgartComparative Thermal Conductivity Measuring Device

Objective: The measuring device to be developed, which should be approximately a fifth of the price that you will find commercially available, ensures product quality and affords the producers, manufacturers and those processing insulations materials and construction companies with the opportunity to carry out low-cost comparative thermal conductivity measurements as well as the correlating air permeability.

Partner: The scientific part of the Project is carried out by the University of Stuttgart's Institute for Machine Tools, see Contact Partners are Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Johannes Tröger und Dipl.-Ing. Lucia Groß.

Schedule: The Project began on 1st January 2007. The Project ended on 31st December 2008.

Loose Insulation Material from Wood

Loose Insulation Material from Wood

Titelseite Broschüre „Lose Dämmstoffe aus Holz“Information brochures/flyers about the joint project's content and objective „Loose Insulation Material from Wood“
Download (33.0 kB)

Schedule: The project began in June 2001. The project ended in June 2003.

Projektdarstellung als PuzzleFinal Report on the Joint Project „Pneumatic Processing of Wood Chips as an Insulation Material“ as part of the joint project „Loose Insulation Material from Wood“
Download (4.6 MB)

Final Report on the Joint Project „Loose Insulation Material from Wood“
Download (748.7 kB)



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