Press information about blowing insulation

Press information about X-Floc

We would like to inform you about our company and all important aspects surrounding blowing insulation, insulation blowing machines, insulation blowing mobiles, blowing injection tools, equipment and measurement devices.
In this press area, you will find press releases, press images/photos, reviews and a press folder with all important information about our company.

If you have questions or you need further information, images material or editorial support. Please do not hesitate to ask us…

Contact for press relations:

Dipl.-Ing. Axel Greiner
Managing directors

X-Floc Dämmtechnik-Maschinen GmbH
Rosine-Starz-Str. 12
71272 Renningen

Telephon: +49-7159-80470-30 · Fax: -40
E-mail: moc.colf-x@ofni